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AI Consulting Services

As an AI Engineer with extensive experience in Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI integrations, I offer specialized consulting services to help startups and established tech companies leverage AI to develop innovative solutions, enhance their technological capabilities, and strengthen their market presence.

My expertise spans a wide range of AI applications, including:

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) integrations
  • Search and Recommendation systems
  • Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP)
  • Data-driven decision making

My approach is hands-on and pragmatic. My goal is to help you optimize time and effort by sharing my lessons and providing clear guidance on what to focus in and what to build.

If you're looking to develop new AI solutions, integrate AI into existing tech, or need expert guidance on your AI projects, email me and explore how we can drive your success together.

What do I offer?

I offer two types of services, depending on your needs:

1. Strategic Consulting

I will provide you On-Demand Guidance on AI.


  • Search and Recommendation Systems
  • Vector Databases
  • RAG
  • AI-Agents
  • Fine-Tuning LLMs
  • Observability and Evals
  • Data Science and ML
  • VRP and Metaheuristics

I’ll give you ongoing feedback and guidance via meetings, email, slack, discord, or documentation with you and your team.

I can communicate with you or your team in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

2. Comprehensive Consulting

I partner with your team to develop their AI capabilities through direct collaboration. This option is best for startups and small engineering teams that are looking to fast-forward their AI development, assess what's possible with current AI technologies, and enhance their team's AI knowledge and abilities.

In addition to everything mentioned in Strategic Consulting, you receive:

  • Hands-On Implementation: I'll work on prototypes and production ready code for your AI/ML products or projects.
  • Teach and Upskill: I'll teach and accompany members of your team to upskill them on AI.
  • Team Growth & Hiring: I will also help you source off-shore talent for your software development needs.

I only work with one Comprehensive Consulting client at a time.


Services are provided on a retainer basis, billed either weekly or monthly.

  • Strategic Consulting: $600/Week or $2,200/Month
  • Comprehensive Consulting: Starting at $1350/Week or $5,000/Month

For monthly retainer, a deposit of 50% is required upfront, with the final 50% payable within 30 days. Subsequent payments are billed monthly.

If you have further questions contact me by email or book a paid call for immediate help.

Current & Past Clients

  • Acristo Engine: Next generation real estate software and all-inclusive assistant.
  • Platform that specializes in developing AI solutions to simplify and streamline the sales and tender process. Assisting businesses in proposal writing, SKI agreements, and EU tenders.
  • AI-driven fantasy football chatbot utilizing up-to-date sports data.
  • Is a full-service social and influencer marketing agency in Germany.
  • Diverse team of engineers and innovators that unite their expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Vector Search, and AI to revolutionise the way we interact with information.
  • Fully Integrated System That Helps Your Lead Growth and Business Revenue with High-Converting QUIZ Funnels
  • Ideaware: Nearshore talent provider that helps US companies scale by connecting them with top talent from Latin America, particularly from Colombia
  • 12Tren: Platform that facilitates the direct purchase of products from factories to families, communities, and homes at prices significantly lower than those found in traditional market channels.
  • RideCo: Canadian company that provides on-demand transit solutions and software to help transit agencies and municipalities improve their public transportation services.
  • Coordinadora: Colombian logistics company that provides national and international shipping services for packages and merchandise.
  • Erco Energia: Colombian company offer various services and solutions focused on renewable energy, energy management, smart metering and sustainability.